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Nursery Rhyme


For a 2nd year module at my Animation course, I had to chose a nursery rhyme and do a series of animation tests with different media on the chosen rhyme – and well, experiment! I chose the Portuguese rhyme called "Um Gato Maltês" (A Maltese Cat), which is about a cat that plays the piano and speaks French.

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I started by sketching and writing down a few words on the tone and mood that I wanted to convey, how the cat would look and act like, the environments where he would be in. I was thinking of smoky jazz bars, the 20s decade, Toulouse-Lautrec’s paintings, the colour red, elegance and even a bit of arrogance. Then it was time to think about shots and compositions, and to set to work! In the end I experimented with lino-printing, digital 2D animation, stop-motion and 3D animation.

©2024 by Madalena Cardoso

(if you steal anything I will hunt you down ♥)

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